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Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a laboratory procedure that is used to assist couples who have difficulty conceiving due to male factor infertility.

It is a highly effective method of fertilisation that can help couples achieve pregnancy when other forms of assisted reproductive technology have been unsuccessful.


ICSI is a procedure where a single sperm is injected directly into the egg using a fine needle.

This is done under a microscope, which allows the embryologist to select the best quality sperm and ensure that it is injected correctly into the egg.


  1. Before the ICSI procedure, the male partner will need to provide a semen sample, which will be prepared in the laboratory to select the best quality sperm. If there are no sperm in the semen sample or the quality of the sperm is very poor, the doctor may recommend a testicular sperm extraction (TESE) or a testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) procedure to obtain sperm directly from the testicles.
  2. Once the sperm has been selected, a Sago Team embryologist will prepare the egg for injection. This involves removing the protective outer layer of the egg, called the zona pellucida, using an enzyme. The embryologist will then immobilise the egg using a specialised holding pipette, which holds the egg in place while the sperm is injected.
  3. Using a very fine needle, our embryologist will then inject a single sperm into the centre of the egg. This is a delicate and precise procedure that requires great skill and experience. Once the sperm has been injected, the egg is placed into a special culture medium that provides the necessary nutrients and support for the fertilisation process.
  4. After 24 to 48 hours, the embryologist will check to see if fertilisation has occurred. If fertilisation is successful, the embryo will continue to develop in the laboratory for several days before being transferred to the uterus.


Some common reasons why Sago Team may recommend ICSI include:

  1. Low sperm count. If your partner has a very low sperm count, ICSI can help to ensure that the best quality sperm are selected for fertilization.
  2. Poor sperm motility. If the sperm are not moving well, ICSI can help to overcome this problem by selecting the best quality sperm for injection.
  3. Abnormal sperm morphology. If the shape of the sperm is abnormal, ICSI can help to select the best quality sperm for fertilization.
  4. Previous failed fertilization attempts. If you have previously tried other forms of assisted reproductive technology without success, ICSI can be a useful next step.
  5. Unexplained infertility. If the cause of your infertility is unknown, ICSI can help to overcome any potential barriers to fertilization.


Overall, ICSI is a safe and effective method of fertilisation that can help couples to achieve their dream of having a baby.

It is particularly useful in cases of male factor infertility, where the sperm may be of poor quality or present in very low numbers.

If you have been struggling with infertility, it may be worth considering ICSI as a potential treatment option.

Sago Team North Cyprus can provide you with more information about the procedure and whether it may be right for you.

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